Sustainable gastronomy with BIOAMARE

Sustainable gastronomy with BIOAMARE

Producing, processing and consuming our own food
to avoid food wastage.

BIOAMARE, a brand of UMAMIEfocused on training to teach us to avoid food waste, for a more sustainable life on this planet.


BIOAMARE teaches us how to avoid food wastage

The importance of the tomato at the bottom of the fridge.

In Spain we throw away more than 150 kilos of food per year per household, this is a huge environmental waste and economically it is more or less about 1000 euros per year. The idea of these workshops is to use surplus vegetables that we usually have at home to make tasty, quick and healthy recipes. In this way we help the planet, we help your health and also your pocket.

Training to avoid food wastage

Langostino albardado

Online workshops

Online training with easy, healthy, tasty recipes that avoid food waste.

formación evitar Despilfarro alimenticio

On-site workshops

Interactive classroom training where you will learn how to cook healthier and better to avoid waste.